10 Fun and Creative Workout Ideas

If you want to be a healthier version of yourself than you know fitness is important. Part of living a healthy lifestyle is combining a healthy eating plan with regular exercise. However, if you are anything like me working out can become a routine and routines tend to become boring. Once your fitness routine becomes boring you will want to quit and not continue doing it.

As a person who doesn’t like routines but knows working out is beneficial. Not only your physical health but for your mental health as well it is important to find creative ways to work out. By “spicing up” your workout routine you will be more inclined to want to do it and actually enjoy yourself while you are at it. Here are 10 fun and creative ways to work out.  Include your kids and friends to make it an even more enjoyable time.



If you are active in the fitness world, you have definitely heard of Zumba. Zumba is an excellent way to get your cardio in while having fun. You are dancing the calories away. It is an excellent way to burn a lot of calories without feeling like you are doing too much for your body.

One session of zumba burns 350-650 calories per hour. It is recommended you take 1 zumba class or lesson 3-4 times a week to get the best results.
If you do not have the time to take a class or lesson from a qualified instructor you can always buy a Zumba DVD and work out right at home with your kids.

9.Wall Workout

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Photo credit-Pinterest

If you have a wall (which we all should), you can work out right from it. The wall work out has become a very popular trend as it can be done from anywhere at anytime. And all you need is 15 minutes to do so. You will need absolutely no equipment at all just a wall and your body weight.

It has been shown that your own body weight can really help you get toned and in the shape you want to be. You can decide on which level to start and what is best suited for you. The best part is you can make it fun and challenge yourself every step of the way.

8.Fitness Dice


If you are in need of a fitness pick me up, this might be the perfect plan for you. Fitness dice are perfect for giving you variation when you work out. Many times we need to switch things up to get our muscles working the way they should. If you are under a routine that you do everyday your muscles might not become sore anymore as they are accustomed to what you already do.

Incorporating different workouts work a fitness dice can help you find even muscles you didnot even know you had. These fitness dice come in 5 different colors which target different muscle groups to ensure you get a full body workout every time you use them. To make your workout even more fun do them with your children, they will love rolling the dice and seeing what happens next.

7.Hula Hooping

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Photo credit-Pinterest

Yes I said it hula hooping. Remember being a child and wanting to be able to keep the hula hoop on your hips the longest among your friends so you made it into a competition? Well its time to get back to those days as an hour of hula hooping can help you burn 400 calories.

Get in shape while you compete with your family and friends to determine who can maintain the hula hoop on their hips the longest. You will have a great time and get your workout in easily and quickly



Cleaning can actually help you burn more calories than most workouts can. The reason being you is working all your muscle groups at the same time.  It is an excellent way to get moving and burn those unwanted calories at once. Let’s not forget this is also a great way to get your family and friends involved.

You get your workout in and clean your home all at the same time. If you really want to make cleaning part of your routine include a couple of ankle weights to add more strength training to your workout.

5.Pick Up Sticks

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Photo credit-Pinterest

How many times as kids did we all play pick up sticks and thought how much fun it was?. Well now you can do the same thing and make it part of your workout routine. All you will need is sticks that’s is all. The game consists of dropping a certain amount of sticks and picking them up the quickest that you can. The trick is you must pick them up one at a time.

This is a great workout to target your legs and bottom area as you will be doing squats as you pick up the sticks. You can also make this into a challenge as you can challenge yourself to collect the sticks in a quicker manner every time.

4.Popsicle Stick Workout Routine

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Photo credit-Pinterest

Once you become accustomed to a workout routine, it can be difficult to get out of the routine and start doing something new. If you want to start doing new things, you can try the popsicle stick workout routine. This consists of you writing down different workout options on popsicle sticks with permanent marker and putting it in a cup.

Everyday you will choose 5-10 different workouts to do. This will make it fun as you never know which workout combination you will end up with. To remember to choose your fitness sticks place them near the entrance of your home to always remind you of the workout.

3.Couple Workouts

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Photo credit-Pinterest

Working out for me has always been ME time. It is the time where I unwind and get into shape at the same time. However, how fun would working out with your spouse be. You get to use each other as a support system and as weights. This is an excellent way to keep each other on track and motivate one another.

Plus let’s not forget when you workout with someone else it becomes a challenge.Challenges are magnificent when you work out as it keeps you motivated and it motivates you to do more than what you usually work.

2.Take a Hike

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Photo credit-Pinterest

Going for a hike is a great way to get your heart pumping while enjoy the great outdoors. It also doesn’t feel like a workout when you are simply out and about with some friends. Grab your friends, lace up your sneakers and go for a hike. The key to keeping this workout fun is going for different length hikes and checking out different hills.

The more you hike the better it will be for you. If you are feeling adventurous try jogging up the hill instead of walking to get a boost of more cardio into your routine. You can also decide to incorporate different exercises along the way such as jumping jack, squats or even burpees.

1.Fitness Cards


The number 1 reason why people do not work out is lack of time. Sometimes we do not have the time to workout and do all the things we need to do throughout the day. However, if you have 15 minutes to spare you can do these workouts on these fitness cards.

Having fitness cards is a great way to keep you motivated to do more. The cards come specifically for men or women so you can choose which works best for you and the best part is if you are feeling adventurous try the cards of the opposite sex and challenge yourself.

Working out does not need to become a boring routine or something that you must do. It should always be fun as it will make you want to do it more often. Try out these ideas and tell us which one you liked and you have any other fun workout ideas as well.

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