If you have ever contemplated the idea of spending a night outdoors or even going camping or been camping then you know how important it is to have a great sleeping bags. Not having a good sleeping bag may result in teeth chattering, intense body shivers and a relentless, sleepless night. Your sleeping bag is the most critical piece of equipment you can take when you go backpacking or camping. Its critical for warmth, comfort, safety and to get a good night rest.
When you begin looking for a sleeping bag you want a bag that offers warmth, comfortable and functionality. In the process of trying to find a sleeping bag you’ll come across numerous different sleeping bags. Here are the best 10 sleeping bags on the market. Read the following sleeping bags reviews to find your favorite one.
10.OuterEQ Sleeping Bag – Camping Sleeping Bags Hiking Sleeping Bag

Lightweight and functional is the best way to describe this sleeping bag. This sleeping bag ideal for cold weather. It is constructed to be warm as it is lined with a cotton isolation even in the coldest temperature. This sleeping is compact so you can have a restful sleep anywhere you go. You can use this at home or even at a camping site. It is machine washable and 30 by 75 inches which means it is suitable for people that are 5’11 inches tall or less.
This sleeping bag comes with a bag to be stored in this makes it easier to travel with. It is a simple sleeping bag that gets the job done quickly and effectively. Because it comes with its own carry on bag it is easily opened and put together. (Also you may need hiking backpacks, check out the 10 best hiking backpacks here.)
9.SEMOO Sleeping Bag – Lightweight Portable, Easy to Compress, Envelope Sleeping Bags with Compression Bag

A simple sleeping bag that gets the job done. The best feature this sleeping bag has is the fact that it is waterproof. If you are camping outdoors this is an excellent feature to have as the weather may change at any time. This sleeping bag will ensure you stay warm and dry regardless of how the weather may change.
It opens completely so it can also be used as a blanket. The zipper is designed to insulate the heat inside your sleeping bag. This enables you not to lose any heat while you are using this sleeping bag. It can be tucked away quickly with much hassle. It is also size efficient for easy travel.
8.TETON Sports Sleeping Bag

The innovative design of this sleeping bag gives it a comfy yet spacious area to sleep in. Its sturdy taffeta shell is lightweight and easy to pack. With this sleeping bag, you are able to sleep comfortably and warm without needing to worry about spending hours setting up your sleeping bag or putting it away. Its interior comes with a cushion lining around the zipper and shoulder to remove any cold areas your sleeping bag may have.
Although, it is a warm sleeping bag it does come with ventilation options so you can decide how warm your sleeping bag becomes. This sleeping bag is large enough to be shared with a partner and can be connected to other sleeping bags by intertwining the zippers together. It even has an interior pocket for all your personal items.
7.All Season XL Sleeping Bag

Perfect for experiencing a night out with friends under the stars while eating s’mores. This sleeping bag is built with comfortable and durable material that can withstand all different types of weather you may come across while camping outdoors. It is also constructed with waterproof material for those unexpected rainy moments you may come across.
The insulation loft that lines this sleeping back allows you to stay warm even in 25 degree weather. If you are tall this sleeping bag is the one for you. It fits someone who is up to 6’6 inches tall. This sleeping bag is also machine washable and can be used as a thick blanket as it can be opened completely into a blanket.
6.Olive Kids Sleeping Bag

If you have children this is the perfect sleeping bag for children of all ages and sizes. It has been tested to be lead-free and bpa-free ensuring your child is safe while it is inside this sleeping bag. Can be used indoors in a fun home camp out or outdoors. It comes with a travel pillow as well so your child can be comfortable while they enjoy the great outdoors.
5.Wenzel Sleeping Bag

Featuring Insul-Therm non-allergenic fill it is able to keep you warm even in 40 degree weather. This sleeping bag is ideal for your children as it is compact, durable and comfortable. You want to have a sleeping bag that will not only keep you warm but will withstand all weather conditions if you choose to use it outdoors. This sleeping bag can also be used indoors if you elect to do so and as a blanket once you unzip it.
4.Ohuhu 2 in 1 Sleeping Bag – Double Sleeping Bag with 2 Pillows and a Carrying Bag for Camping, Backpacking, Hiking

This sleeping bag is a 2 in 1 sleeping bag as it comes with 2 separate sleeping bags that can come together to create one extra large sleeping bag. The zipper on both sides allows you to be able to connect both sleeping bags in a quick and easy manner. It was created with high quality material that is waterproof and has a cotton filling so your sleeping bag is comfortable, soft and reliable every time you want to use it.
This sleeping bag also comes with two small pillows that you can carry along with your sleeping bags in order to travel with them. Two people are in a position to sleep comfortably in this sleeping bag as it is very spacious.
3.Coleman Water Sleeping Bag

During cold weather you want to have a sleeping bag that will keep you warm. This sleeping bag is a cool weather bag what this means is it will keep you warm from 30 to 50 degrees. You are able to have a comfortable night sleep in a warm sleeping bag that has innovative technology such as ThermoLock and FiberLock.
Thermolock reduces heat lock through the zipper. This ensures you stay warmer for a longer period of time. FiberLock prevents insulation from shifting. This is another great way to keep you warm from the inside out. It is oversized so you are capable of sleeping in a comfortable manner.
2.Coleman Warm Weather Sleeping Bag

Even on warmer summer nights you may want to camp outside with family and friends so you will want a sleeping bag to sleep in. Sleeping bags were intended to keep you warm and cozy while you get a good night sleep, for this reason they tend to become very warm on the inside. This can cause your sleeping bag to become hot and unbearable to sleep him.
However, this sleeping bag was designed to be used in warm weather. It was created to give you a comfortable night sleep in 40-60 degree weather. You will be able to have a decent night sleep all while being in your sleeping bag. This sleeping bag also features roll lock in order to keep your sleeping bag in place when you open it and when you close it.
1.Coleman Cool Weather Sleeping Bag

During cool weather, you may want to camp out as well. That is when this sleeping bag can come in handy. It was designed to keep you warm even during 30 degree weather. This sleeping bag offers interior insulation so you can remain warm even when the weather becomes a bit too cold.
With a FiberLock construction it will keep the heat inside of your sleeping bag while maintaining the cold air on the outside. This sleeping bag also comes with Roll Lock so you can rest assured your sleeping bag will stay in place when you decide to open it and close it. Your sleeping bag is in a position to remain steady and stable because of this feature.
Finding the perfect sleeping bag that will not only keep you warm but is sturdy enough to withhold any weather condition you may come across while camping. Let us know below which sleeping bag you are most excited about trying.